The Future Wont Fix Itself ...

Here's the deal: We are developing a unique conversation with what seems to be from about 27 - 32 years old and younger about what works -- and what doesn't -- when it comes to dealing with lots and lots of information. We get traction with some of the biggest tech brands on earth, in spite of our criticisms.

If you think you or your company want to be part of that conversations, simply sponsor us. There's a couple ways to do it: 

  •  Buy a paid read on our podcast: We offer good old fashioned AM radio style, direct read commerical running about a minute or so. Listen here, about 8 minutes in for an example.
  •  Buy a sponsored post on this blog: We know what stories our audience wants to hear, and what they don't. We're happy to check you and your product out. And see if its a fit. Just remember, we flag those posts as "sponsored."

... Invest in a Message you believe in.

Come on, admit it. You're interested.

We do have social media at @digitalskeptic;; or You can connect there. But let's be honest: who really cares.

Better yet, tse there's this crazy-cool new technology called the phone. Whoa! Punch in (914) 509-2348. I will call you back.

Why not enjoy being a living breathing person, who actually lives somewhere. I love to chat. Or you can email me below.


Yea, we have merch too. Why not. Not a bad shirt, actually.

That is, in fact, Mr. Blum himself.

That is, in fact, Mr. Blum himself.